Fisheries Fishermen Survey
Semi-structured interviews with 68 fishing boat captains from Shau Kei Wan, Lei Yue Mun, Sai Kung and
Aberdeen were conducted between February and early March 2007. Most interviews were held at Shau Kei
Wan which supports a relatively large number of vessels fishing in Eastern Waters. Very few fishing vessels
were harboured in Sai Kung or Lei Yue Mun, with only a small number of interviewees from these homeports.
Aberdeen boat captains were the second largest group interviewed as it is the largest homeport in the HKSAR.
All vessels are family-owned with an average of
four crew members per vessel on board. An
average of two family members work on board,
with other crew recruited from the Mainland to
minimise operating costs.
The figure below displays the primary fishing grounds with have been broadly defined as eastern, southern, south-
eastern and Port Shelter. According to the interviewees, most fishing activity is conducted in ‘hot spots’ around Po
Toi and the Ninepin Islands which is entirely consistent with the marine traffic radar data and visual observations of
fishing activity made during the fisheries baseline studies.