Landscape and Visual
The key sources and types of potential visual and landscape impact associated with the Project
include the following:
Construction Phase
- Presence of a Jack up Vessel, tugs and barges to construct foundations and turbines
(period of a few months over 2 year);
- Presence of partially completed structures prior to commissioning (up to a year);
- Short range night lighting; and
- Vessel movements
Operational Impacts
- Presence and movement of up to 67 new turbines
- Short range aviation and marine safety lighting; and
- Shadow flicker resulting from the operation of turbines
Construction and operational impacts associated with the alternative 5MW layout would be very
slightly lower due to the visually less dense arrangement of turbines. However, the magnitude of
impacts would fall within the same magnitude thresholds as for the 3MW layout.
The above menus give a summary of the EIA key findings. For the full EIA please follow the link
Full EIA in pdf or html format