HKSAR Southeastern waters, approx. 9 km and 5km east of
the Clearwater Bay peninsula and East Ninepin Island,
- Up to 67 wind turbines
- 1 offshore transformer platform
- 1 Research mast
- Sub sea collection and transmission cables
    - Distribution on site = 33kV cables
    - Transmission to shore = 2 x 132kV cables
Foundation Type
Suction caisson
Design Life
Typical turbine design is 20-25 years
Offshore WInd Farm Components, click
to enlarge (source: UK DTI)
Proposed Project Layout, click to enlarge
The Project

“The Project” refers to the development of the proposed 200MW Hong Kong Offshore
Wind Farm (HKOWF) in Southeastern Waters of the HKSAR.
Key Benefits

The Project would become Hong Kong's primary indigenous energy source and
represents approximately 1% of the total generating capacity of HKSAR.

The Project would also provide significant benefits to local air quality since a wind farm
produces clean energy and the energy generated would offset local emissions
.  Every
year of operation the project would offset approximately

  • 343,000 - 383,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide;
  • 54 - 60 tonnes of sulphur dioxide;
  • 394 - 440 tonnes of nitrogen oxides; and
  • 14 - 16 tonnes of particulate material.

Since the energy required to build a wind farm is typically recovered in the first 6-12
months of operation[1], the project would have a net positive impact on global warming.


[1] Life Cycle Assessment of Onshore and Offshore Sited Wind Power Plants based on
Vestas V90-3MW turbines, June 06, Vestas.

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