Pelagic Ecology Impact Assessment

The key sources and types of potential pelagic ecology impact associated with the Project include
the following:

Construction Phase
  • Suspended solids and dissolved oxygen in the water column resulting from:
  • Sediment Dredging and anchor protection for the installation of transmission  power
    cable in Junk Bay using dredgers;
  • Jetting for the installation of transmission power cable connecting to the section in
    Junk Bay to the offshore foundation site;
  • Jetting for the installation of collection power cable within the foundation site;
  • Installation of foundation involving pumping out seawater from inside of the suction
    caissons to the surrounding ambient water; and
  • Noise from vessels

Operational Phase
  • Noise from turbines;
  • Collision risk from Vessels;
  • Electro-magnetic effects; and
  • Artificial lighting.

The above menus give a summary of the EIA key findings.  For the full EIA please follow the link

Full EIA in pdf or html format