Pelagic Ecology Conclusion

The potential for impact on pelagic ecology was greatly reduced from the outset by
conducting a site selection process taking into account potential impacts, as well as by
selecting suction caisson foundation technology, avoiding both areas known to be
sensitive and eliminating the need for piling or dredging at the wind farm.

Based on desk-top review and field survey it is evident that the waters of the proposed
wind farm are not frequented by Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphins and are only lightly
utilized by finless porpoises – with this species preferring more sheltered coastal waters
around the Ninepins and Po Toi islands.   Given this low usage of the Study Area and the
preferred construction method, no adverse long-term impacts are anticipated during
construction and no mitigation measures are proposed.  Nevertheless, monitoring of
marine mammals over a suitable period of time is recommended in order to be able to
detect overall changes in use of the area.

A review of potential noise impacts has been completed, and this does not suggest any
adverse impacts from marine vessel activity during Project construction or operation, or
from underwater turbine noise.  Adverse impacts from the electromagnetic field are not