Fisheries Construction Impact
Water Quality
Fish culture zones were included in the water quality assessment and there is no predicted affect
from the construction activities. This is assessed in the water quality section
With regard to capture fisheries, the table below displays the predicted mixing zone associated
with marine construction activities. As fish are highly mobile and the large volume of seawater in
which to swim, the relatively small mixing zones are not anticipated to cause any adverse impacts
on capture fisheries.
As demonstrated by Port Survey data, fish fry productivity is negligible in the Study Area although
water quality impacts are not in any case anticipated. No areas of coral reef that could potentially
offer localised spawning and nursery habitat for capture fisheries recruitment will be adversely
affected by construction activities
Hazard to Fishing Vessels
During the construction of the wind farm, the increased marine traffic flow within the site and along
the proposed cable routes will pose an additional marine navigation risk. Therefore, a 500m
radius safety / exclusion zone will be closed to all vessels during construction phase. The
standard fisheries liaison and notification procedures for the installation of offshore structures will
be implemented. With these safety measures in place, no additional significant hazard to fishing
vessels will be anticipated.
Loss or Restricted Access to Traditional Fishing Ground
All vessels will be restricted from accessing the safety / exclusion zone during installation of cable
routes and turbine construction, and hence a temporary loss of fishing ground will occur.
As presented in the baseline, relatively little fishing takes place at the wind farm site and
restrictions on access will be over a small area. Construction activities may drive fish away from
the area and consequently the implementation of restricted access measures will not result in any
loss of fishing opportunity. Accordingly, there shall be no adverse impacts on fisheries.