Water Quality Other Construction Impact Assessments
Sewage The marine vessels deployed for construction and operations activities shall provide appropriate toilet facilities. Sewage generated from the workforce should be collected from the toilets and contained on the vessels for subsequent disposal by licensed waste collectors. Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations on the vessels to remind the workers not to discharge any wastewater, sewage and unused materials into the sea.
Chemical Spillage Very little chemical spillage is expected as components are pre-assembled before being deployed offshore. However, immediate actions should be undertaken to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals. The released chemicals should be controlled and contained to reduce the area of influence. The contractors of the Project should develop an emergency plan to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals. Good site practices should be implemented by the site management to avoid the occurrence of spillage of chemicals. If chemical wastes are to be generated during the construction phase, the contractors should register with EPD as a chemical waste producer and observe the code of practice on the packaging, labelling and storage of chemical wastes published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance. Disposal of chemical wastes should be conducted in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.