Water Quality Conclusion

The potential for water quality impacts was greatly reduced from the outset by conducting a site
selection process taking into account potential impacts, as well as by selecting suction caisson
foundation technology, thereby eliminating the need for offshore dredging or major water quality

The key water quality issues and potential construction and operational phase impact of the Project
have been assessed.  The main concern relates to sediment dispersion during construction,
particularly suspended sediment and possible contaminants, and the direct and secondary
impacts of this on biological sensitive receivers.

An onsite test of a suction caisson carried out in May 2008 verified that the predicted impacts of the
turbine foundations being proposed would not produce any adverse impacts.  The key area for
potential impact was identified as the cable transmission route in Junk Bay where dredging would
be required.

Mitigation measures including limits on dredging rate have been determined for the transmission
cable works in Junk Bay, and with proper implementation of the recommended measures no
adverse impacts are anticipated.