Based on the results of desktop study and in agreement with AFCD, boat-based field surveys were
carried out based on the following considerations:
- The survey lasted from May 2006 to December 2007
- A fixed transect route for daytime bird survey (approximately 7 hours per each survey day)
covering the wind farm area and an adjacent area of approximately 130km2. The transect
route covers Tathong Channel and offshore islets that are confirmed or susceptible nesting
ground for breeding terns and WBSE.
- In order to avoid missing birds in key areas and to allow estimation of population sizes of
breeding colonies, fixed-point counts were conducted at a total of 9 fixed survey points,
including P1 to P8, and Kong Tau Pei. Point count locations were selected to cover the
project area of concern (i.e., all four corners and the centre of the wind farm site area) and
four coastal locations from which bird flights would originate / breeding activity would be
- For P1 to P8, fixed-point counts were conducted for 30 minutes at each of the points. For
Kong Tau Pei, the known current breeding location in the SE waters for terns, point-counts
were performed until all terns (including adults and juveniles) on the islet were counted and
- The Assessment Area(s) used were: the wind farm area plus additional 0.5km, 1km or 2km
buffers for both layout scenarios (67x3MW and 40x5MW)