Mitigation The location of the proposed wind farm has been selected to avoid any potential construction and operation impacts by avoiding concentrations of sensitive species (e.g. raptors, breeding terns) and their coastal habitats. The results of the baseline study indicate a low abundance of resident and migratory birds in the Study Area, and negligible collision risk has been predicted for all key species of conservation concern.
To avoid any likely impacts resulted from the proposed development the best practice is to conduct pre-construction, during construction and post-construction monitoring. Requirements for the monitoring programme are recommended below.
Environmental Monitoring & Audit It is recommended to conduct monitoring of changes in bird behaviour and collision during construction and operation of the proposed wind farm. The monitoring programme will require boat-surveys at monthly intervals during the second year of construction, and during operation for a period of 1 year. The gathered field data shall be compared with the baseline data to determine bird response to construction activities and wind farm operation.