Avifauna Ecology Baseline
Desk Top Review
The key sources and types of potential avifauna ecology impact associated with the
A desktop study has been conducted to cover the sea area within 20km radius from the centre of the proposed
wind farm site. Although there are no designated areas for conservation of avifauna within the desktop Study
Area, general seabird populations within the area including passage migrants, visitor breeders and the
resident seabird have been identified and reviewed. Ecological profiles of key species have been established
based on available information on distribution, abundance, breeding and foraging behaviour.
Results of the desktop study suggest that approximately 2/3 (or 29 out of the total 45) of migratory seabird
species in Hong Kong occur in SE waters. Among the migratory and visitor seabird species, only three tern
species, including Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana), Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus) and Roseate Tern
(Sterna dougallii) breed in Hong Kong during summers. Breeding colonies of the three tern species have been
recorded at offshore islets (Kong Tau Pei, the East Ninepin, and Waglan Island) in the SE waters.
White-bellied Sea Eagle (WBSE) (Haliaeetus leucogaster), the only resident seabird species in Hong Kong,
also occurs within the desktop Study Area. Review of confirmed sighting records and nesting locations
suggests that the SE waters generally support more WBSEs than other parts of Hong Kong. A total of 7 nesting
locations have been recorded within the SE waters (the desktop Study Area) of Hong Kong.