The Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) bird collision risk model (Band et al, 2007) has been used to quantify collision risk for a number of selected species that were found to be relatively most dominant in the Study Area and considered potentially sensitive to wind farm operation
Selected species include the breeding tern species, Black-naped Tern, Bridled Tern, the waterbirds Red-necked Phalarope and Cattle Egret, and the seabirds including Aleutian Tern, White-winged Black Tern and Black-tailed Gull. WBSE was not included in the calculation of collision risk, as no bird record was found within the proposed wind farm area and its 2km buffer. Roseate Tern was also excluded from the collision risk calculation, as no birds were observed flying at the “risk height” (i.e., heights within or above the rotor zone of 30m above water).
The predicted numbers of collisions for the seven bird species per season are listed below. Cases of no avoidance and 95% avoidance action are presented in the following to demonstrate the conditions for both the worst case (no avoidance) and the typical (conservative) assumption for real situations respectively.