Heritage Construction Assessment
Potential construction impacts associated with the construction activities are primarily direct impacts from
construction activities. The impact potential decreases with increasing distance between targets of
archaeological potential and sources of impacts.
The closest targets to works locations are (click here to return to survey results):
- Target A1 – positioned directly on the array cable route on the preferred North-South array cable
alignment, or 160m from the nearest turbine.
- Target A8 - approximately 130m from the transmission cable route.
For Target A1, a potential wreck with dimension 4m x 16m, direct impact from array cable jetting is anticipated.
The Jetting operation involves fluidising sediments whilst cables are being laid and buried into the desired
sediment depth using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The anticipated direct impact is potential damage to
this target from high-pressured water jetting. Thus, the impact is considered to be potentially very significant
and mitigation is proposed.
Target A8 is located within an active trawling zone about 130m from the transmission cable jetting. Based on
the distance separation as indicated by the current layout arrangement, no significant direct or indirect impacts
are anticipated.