Waste Conclusion
The proposed use of suction caisson foundations avoids the need for any marine
excavation or dredging in offshore Eastern Waters. This greatly reduces the potential for
waste impacts.
The key potential impact is during construction and is limited to the management of
dredged sediments from within Junk Bay in relation to the laying of a portion of the
transmission cable. Up to 135,000 m3 of marine sediment would be dredged and
preliminary estimates are that less than 50% of this volume may require Type 2 confined
marine disposal.
Other waste types associated with Project development include minor amounts of
chemical wastes, sewage and general refuse. No significant environmental impacts
from the handling and disposal of these waste types are anticipated, subject to the full
implementation of the relevant waste management standards and guidelines and best
There are no major waste management issues associated with Project construction and
maintenance, and hence no impact mitigation measures are required. Specific
mitigation measures are detailed in the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual
(EM&A) associated with the EIA report and available for download at (www.epd.gov.hk/eia)