Mr. CHENG King-man
Chairman, Sai Kung Fishermen's Association
Mr. Stephen CHUI
Chairman, Hong Kong Fishermen’s Youth Association
Mr. HUEN Chee-kin
General Secretary, China HK Mountaineering and Climbing Union
Ms. Melanie KWOK
Vice Chairman, Environment and Sustainability Committee, HKGCC
Prof. Alexis LAU
Director, Institute for the Environment, HKUST
Mr. LAU Kai-hong
Chairman, Hang Hau Rural Committee (Ex officio member of Sai Kung District Council)
Mr. Tom NG
Campaigner, Greenpeace
Prof. Gerald PATCHELL
Associate Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability, HKUST
Mr. Matthew SIN
Chief Environmental Affairs Manager, Green Power
Mr. Samson SO
Director, Eco Institute
Mr. WONG Shui-sang
Chairman, Sai Kung Rural Committee (Ex officio member of Sai Kung District Council)
Dr. YAU Wing-kwong, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Association